Elizabeth Sapre

I was born in England, where I began my art education. I studied drawing, painting as well as batik painting. After coming to live in America, I returned to art and developed skill in the area of portraits and figurative artwork. I also include the sculpture of figures as one of my most recent pursuits. Sculpture presents me with the challenge of working in three dimensions.

I begin to create my sculptures using a wire armature which provides a skeleton, upon which I can add layers of sculpting medium such as clay or a plaster-like compound. If I am creating a clay sculpture, I cover the metal armature with masking tape and then apply a thin layer of clay. If I am creating a sculpture made out of sculptamold, I apply layers of sculptamold paste to the metal armature. The paste is created by mixing the sculptamold compound with water and the layers dry very quickly to a tough durable finish.